Drawing upon the theories of human development as well as different teaching approaches, our organisation prides itself on being able to align our five core values, both to the developing child, and also to the developing employee. 

By taking this strong approach, these five core values are always at the forefront of our mind whenever we are working with children, engaging with families and also with each other. The Five Core Values are tabled below. 

The child’s ability to develop and use their emotional intelligence to sense the emotions in others around them, paired with the ability to imagine what the thoughts and feelings that someone else might be experiencing. The child’s ability to develop and use emotional intelligence to understand and make sense of their own emotion in order to see it in others as well as take measures to support their own emotional wellbeing to develop self-regulation and resilience.

The child’s ability to use their existing knowledge to further explore and expand this knowledge of the world around them including foundational skills in developing their literacy and numeracy skills, scientific thinking, artistic and creative expression and physical competence. The child’s ability to link their knowledge in a holistic manner to progress their developmental skills. Everything a child learns stems from their cognition and ability to use a complete arrangement of thinking skills to support all areas of their development; including social, emotional, language and physical development.

The child’s ability to demonstrate genuine commitment to their learning, understanding their rights as a child, including being enabled to have a voice and contribute to decisions regarding matters that affect them. The child’s ability to demonstrate genuine commitment to each other through positive interaction, authentic and constructive engagement and a commitment to a positive and productive learning environment.

The child’s ability to demonstrate through their behaviour and conduct, acknowledgement of their sense of worth and that of others, and the contribution they make to the world, including listening, considering, understanding and compassion to each other.

The child’s ability to see themselves as learners in the powerful sense of truth and reality; who they really are, how they actually learn, how they can improve in their learning, and how they can contribute.

Statement of Philosophy

A Brighter Beginning

Hope Early Learning Centre has been established with the clear purpose of providing high quality learning opportunities to ensure each child in our care has a ‘brighter beginning’.

Our Commitment to the Sector

Hope Early Learning strongly values the importance of quality staffing to ensure that the philosophy of our centre is the foundation of all that we do. We therefore invest in our employees to consistently support their professional growth and enhancement, to acknowledge their motivation and personal desire to work ethically and enthusiastically with children.

We support our employees in a progressive industry where ‘best practices’ are reviewed, researched, implemented and upheld. This is inclusive of all employees where high expectations for their professional growth, including knowledge, skills and attitudes are consistently developing.

Our Commitment to Children and Families

Children are provided with a range of rich open-ended learning opportunities to support their development and learning. Our curriculum is play based and reflective of children’s needs, strengths, interests and learning dispositions, with a strong appreciation that for each child – learning is fun.

We believe that our family-oriented programs allow for children to initiate their own learning through the exploration of a stimulating and positive care and education environment. This encourages children to be confident and involved learners where our programs nurture children’s wellbeing, and develop a strong sense of identity.  The programs encourage children to develop effective communication skills where they can build strong and authentic relationships with children and educators. The programs also incorporate experiences that ensure a broadening appreciation for cultural and social awareness. Our educational practices embed an eclectic theoretical approach (deriving ideas from a broad and diverse range of research and theory) incorporating aspects of developmental, behavioural, and learning theories as well as a specific range of teaching approaches that reflect national and global perspectives.

At Hope Early Learning we value and respect each child’s individuality and understand that each child is unique and deserves specific care and attention. We believe passionately that by providing children with all the love and nurturing that they require, they will build a strong sense of independence and a positive self-esteem. We strongly link our practices to Attachment Theory to ensure that children develop a strong sense of trust and a sense of belonging, enriched with knowledge. Our beliefs strongly value the establishment of crucial links between home and the centre.

We look forward to developing strong partnerships with you and providing the best possible education and care for your child.